Wednesday, December 15, 2010

International Readers(?)

There's a feature on my blog set-up page that lets me track the stats on my site, such as how many hits I'm getting, when I'm getting them, and where they are coming from.  What's been interesting to me is to see how many different countries are represented in the stats list.  I set up this blog mostly to share my baseball thoughts with my friends and family, so it's a bit surprising to me to see the international hits.

Now, I realize that the term "shagging" has different meanings across the pond, and searches including that word could explain the hits I'm getting from the U.K., but that doesn't explain page views from Canada, Singapore, Denmark, Croatia, and other countries that have been represented here.

So I'm asking, if you are a regular reader of this blog, or anything close to it, and you live outside of the U.S., post in the comments how you found the site and let me know what you think.  If I don't get any feedback, I'll just chalk those hits up as search engine accidents.

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